
Rest Day - Moore Hall

Rest Day – Moore Hall

A rest day, I only rode 10 in the morning and sat in Virginia’s car for a long drive to a beautiful estate called Moore Hall, built in 1792 by a pioneering Irish family. Ironically it was burned to the ground in 1923 during the Irish Civil War. Th…

Ex-Californian's Take on Ireland Weather

Ex-Californian’s Take on Ireland Weather

June 27 2010, 1:19 AM  by Martin  Krieg
Kathy with her no limits husband Larry

They have raised three beautiful kids here. The virtual mansion they have
done so in  couldn’t buy a fixer upper in CA. The only price – the weather …….


Larry D, talk About rock solid. Larry lost his arm while out at sea as a fisherman. When a hoisting mechanism caught one of the threads on his jacket, then pulled his sleeve, then his arm. shoulder and back into the thrashing gears, he was as good as dead. But when its motor finally jammed, he flipped the bloody mess he had become upside down and kicked open the cabin door above him to wake one of his sleeping mates.

Larry then had enough presence of mind to tell his co-worker traumatized by what he saw what to do. Throughout the whole ordeal, Larry lost his arm but not his faith in a higher power.  And as such, it was not long that he was back earning his livelihood as a fisherman with a Captain Hook arm

Nor does his storybook life end there. After another 8 years on the ocean, he took work on land ultimately shifting his focus to the new love who also shared his passion for the inner fire he knew to be Jesus . With Kathy, he would build the family you see him pictured with here as they established a Jesus based ministry that would inspire their Irish world with the example Larry had set.

And as they do so Larry does not let his handicap limit him. At the country home I visited them at he had built a huge greenhouse for the fresh vegetables they enjoy year round as well as the several large cages that housed their chickens and ducks. The eggs that result give them enough of a surplus that they were able to send me on my way with a dozen freshly laid eggs to eat. And Larry is able to do all this, and a whole lot more. With only one arm !!

In my own case I feel small. Having rebuilt myself to full capacity, I keep asking myself if there isn’t more I can do to make the NBG real. Thank you Larry for reinforcing the notion that there are no limits.