What Davis, CA Back Roads Look Like
Until I got the Lightning P-38, because the scenery used to change so slowly, I was uninterested in visiting any of… read more
Fastest Bike in the World – the Video (4:17)

Davis Balloons, Recumbents and HiWheels
Was on the road at 7 today on the Lightning for some very very fast miles. Off on the horizon,… read more
Midwest Bent Shop Sponsoring Krieg RC Tri-Con Speech
Denny LaDue, just came on as a sponsor of my Bent History talk in Cincinnati at the Recumbent Tri-Cycle-Con Trade Show… read more

History of the Modern Day Recumbent Talk Coming
At the Recumbent Tri-Cycle-Con Trade Show & Convention, held Sept 25-27 at the Sharonville Convention Center, in Cincinnati, OH, Author and National… read more

CruzBike and the MD Who Makes Them So Very Fast!
Today we talked with Jim Parker, the MD who is behind the amazing Cruzbike that he, his wife Maria Parker and… read more
Recumbent Shop Owner Survives Spectacular HiWheel Crash
Spectacular HiWheel crash at Clustered Spires Race. Larry Black, owner of Mt Airy & College Park Bikes, survives horrific header!!

Reno Virtual Tour Work on the Advanta
I will be in Reno for the next two weeks exploring that city so cyclists can better understand why we have made it… read more

Recumbent Speed History to 1979
1979 Easy Racers Rider: Freddy Markham Speed: 50 mph 1979 White Lightning Trike Riders: Jan Russell and Butch Stinton Speed: 55… read more
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