I Phone Booth
Irish Phone Booth that is……….
Irish Phone Booth that is……….
A national holiday of monumental proportions, St. Patrick’s Day is like our Fourth of July… Eagled in the late morning. Then came back and watched a great Ireland team get clobbered by England in rugby. Next up was an international St. Patrick’s…
Pawel did such a fine tig weld, you probably cannot see it in the picture I took after the Eagle and I just rolled 12 miles..
This little dog followed me for three miles. Every time I thought I had him lost, he would appear AGAIN. Right in front of my wheel. On one of his many detours, he entered a large field where he chased two big black birds and then four sheep and t…
They are everywhere here. This country of four million people used to be made up of twice that number before the famine and disease of the mid 19th Century began a population drain that lasted for over a century. Often, such burial lands are found…
This handmade flyer arrived in our mail box today. Since winter is winding down, the price has been reduced by a euro….. While few people burn the stuff to heat their homes any more, here is a pile of peat, the produce of the bog lands that make…
The change in seasons will give way to an explosion of green and roadside flowers that has no parallel. In a few months time I will try to reproduce this same shot so you can compare….
They’re everywhere over here. Keep an eye on this space, as I post more… THX 4 all of U!!
Here is some of the press I have collected over the last three decades: Nor am I anywhere near done. With a foundation such as this, all the Cycle America Regional Directories and other NBG books I have published, my autobiography, “Awake Again”, …
The above was spotted by Palo Altan, Frank Flynn, in Irish cyberspace. If anyone knows where, please send an email to Virginia and I at awakeagainmartin@gmail.com so we can find it over here on the Emerald Isle. Our Busycle that this likely takes …