Irish Tractors
Because I encounter tractors on a daily basis on my rides, do drill through this gallery as I regularly add worthy photos of them…….

Roads That End :(
While few of the back roads here in Ireland are marked, most end up on a connecting road. However, from time to time they stop all together, as this photo shows…….

Castle Cuffe!
When I was at Eviction Cottage several weeks ago, I took a few pictures of an interesting edifice a few hundred yards away. I had heard it was a castle and hadn’t looked for it on the internet until now. I found it was called Castle Cuffe and was …

Country Road Flat Tire Help
I flatted on this farm road and got help from Ian who ran a half mile back to his house to get me a crescent wrench when the pliers I thought would do the job failed me…. He volunteered himself when he saw me struggling with my tool! Yahoo!!

Rest Day – Moore Hall
A rest day, I only rode 10 in the morning and sat in Virginia’s car for a long drive to a beautiful estate called Moore Hall, built in 1792 by a pioneering Irish family. Ironically it was burned to the ground in 1923 during the Irish Civil War. Th…

What Can I Say?

Road Flower Heaven!!
Almost everywhere I ride here, especially during this part of the year, the sides of the road are dotted with color. Always, Virginia and I have fresh flowers that I frequently stop to pick and put in my butt pak…….

Making Hay When the Sun Shines
The Numbers: 25 bales of hay average yield per football field 2 harvests per year 10 ???uro/bale sales value to farmer The hay is then “cooked” in the black plastic you see in the last picture 20 ???uro/bale cost to buyer 10 number of bales average co…

NBG – Irish Training Rides
There is so much beauty for the cyclist to enjoy here in Ireland, this blog should have begun last September when I landed here. As a photo essay, I will post a regular picture or two or more for you to enjoy……