Which Relay link do you want to ride?
Santa Cruz to San Jose
How you found us
NBG-News elist
Why you want to do this ride
I love riding, and this is a chance to contribute to history by doing something I love. I believe we need to have more bicycle awareness and safe bike ways across the country, and am thrilled to have the opportunity to help achieve this.
Tell us about your touring experience- if little or none, indicate many miles have you ridden over the last year:
I lived in Singapore for two years until last December, and rode with the Australian New Zealand Association (ANZA) Cycle team. We would do a metric century every Saturday morning and shorter rides during the week and occasionally a longer ride in Malaysia. I rode the 100K ride at last weeks Strawberry Fields century and am signed up for the Sequoia Century (Palo Alto to Soquel and back) on June 6th. Over the last year I have ridden 4869 Km. I commute by bike from my home near UCSC in Westside Santa Cruz to my job at Seagate in Scotts valley, 4 days a week (the 5th day I drive to Milpitas).
Tell us about your bike
I ride a Moots 2001 VaMoots with an Ultegra triple on it now (I just put the triple on to be able to keep my spin up on these Santa Cruz mountain roads.) I have a Campy Vento wheelset (yeah with a shimano cogset… might be some agnst there).
Describe your training regimen
In addition to the commute I do longer weekend rides around the Santa Cruz area. I recently had my lactate threshold tested and have been concentrating on riding around my LT.
How are you making time for this
I work a flexible time requirement, and noticed that the ride to San Jose is suppose to arrive at 9AM… so I can leave early at dawn that morning. My wife can give me a ride back over the hill and I can still go to work in the afternoon.
What are your fears about doing this ride
Would like to have at least another rider to keep company with…
Do you have any special skills that you feel would benefit the Mayors’ Ride?
I really am just a local rider … who wants to help raise public awareness of bicycle riding and create a safer riding environment. I am glad to share my experience with others and do what I can to that end.
If you are involved with other non-profit organizations, please tell us about them
I am a member of the Santa Cruz County Cycling Club (SCCCC). I have been riding locally with SCCCC members, and sometimes commute to Scotts Valley with Gary Milburn who has been helping with the bike to work week organization here. I also ride sometimes with Jim Langley who is my neighbor, just down the street. I am the volunteer webmaster for NAMI Santa Cruz County (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill http://www.namiscc.org).
Anything else you’d like to share with us?
I was not previously aware of all that NBG is doing and am glad to get acquainted with it. Although I have lived in Santa Cruz since high school (went to Santa Cruz High), living in Singapore for the last two years has left me somewhat disconnected. I started learning about NBG in March when I went down to support the Santa Cruz County Rail Trail at the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission public hearing ( http://santacruztrail.org/). Now, I am excited to help foster greater public awareness of NBG and bicyclists in our community.
E-mail: dhuskey@seagate.com
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