Mayors’ Ride Bios: Roberto Lovato

Roberto LovatoWhich Relay link do you want to ride?
monterey to santa cruz

How you found us
from my friend, skot paschal

Why you want to do this ride
for Skot and i like to ride. it sounds like fun.

Tell us about your touring experience- if little or none, indicate many miles have you ridden over the last year:
i’ve ridden across america with skot and toured all over with him and my wife, patty.

Tell us about your bike
have a cannondale. it’s my second one. the first one was stolen it amsterdam, while patty, slot and i were touring in europe. great trip. soe when i got home i bought this one.

Describe your training regimen
walk every day from 3-6 miles and i ride about an hour a day on my recumbant. you see i’m just recuperating from total hip replacement. prior to that skot and i rode anything that was hard.

How are you making time for this
i’m retired.

What are your fears about doing this ride
i have no fears about doing this ride. i’ve done all the parts before.

Do you have any special skills that you feel would benefit the Mayors’ Ride?
i go wherever skot goes. we’re pals.

Do you have any personal contacts that you feel could help the National Bicycle Greenway or the Mayors’ Ride? If so, please list them here:
skot paschal, ed migliori

If you are involved with other non-profit organizations, please tell us about them:
i’m a member of the national and state democratic committee.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?
i’m looking forward to an enjoyable day riding.


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