Which Relay link do you want to ride?
Santa Cruz to San Jose
How you found us
I attended a talk Martin gave several years ago.
Why you want to do this ride
To help promote a good cause and have some fun while doing it.
Tell us about your touring experience- if little or none, indicate many miles have you ridden over the last year:
I will be doing Cycle Oregon for the 5th consecutive year in September. I ride from Santa Cruz to San Luis Obispo every year. I have ridden Sierra to the Sea. Two years ago I toured France for a couple of weeks.
Tell us about your bike
My latest acquisition is a Co-motion NorWester touring bike. This was custom built for me and breaks apart so it can be carried aboard trains, plans, buses while touring. However, for the Santa Cruz – San Jose relay I will again be riding my Cannondale R2000si
Describe your training regimen
I’m a regular participant on the SCCCC Saturday long distance training rides. If anyone is interested here a link to our schedule
Also, I do local training loops on my own and use my bike to run errands around town. I try to get in at least 100 miles a week weather permitting. I’m not a big fan of riding in the rain.
How are you making time for this
I’m retired
What are your fears about doing this ride
Getting a flat on Mt. Charlie. Last year we had to be at the San Jose City Hall by 9:00 am and that doesn’t give us much leeway. Any chance of giving us a little more margin this year?
If you are involved with other non-profit organizations, please tell us about them:
I’m on the SCCCC Board of Directors. I recently resigned from the board of Cyclists for Cultural Exchange but still a regular participant in CCE activities. Most recently, I hosted a fund raiser to help bring a group of Turkish cyclists to our Strawberry Fields Forever event.
retired computer engineer
Tim lives on a bike road in Scotts Valley, CA and used the healthy bikes riders he saw on it as a visual to overcome the cancer he was stricken with (–NBG staff)
Name: Timothy McCloskey
E-mail: timcruzer@aol.com
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