Ray Irvin Greenway Resume

Also an accomplished pilot and boatsman, here are the highlights from
Ray’s long career as a Greenway Builder:

State of Indiana 2005 – 2008
Governor Mitch Daniels; Appointment / Director of Greenways, Bikeways & Blueways, IN. Dept. of Transportation; INDOT Commissioner Thomas Sharp & Dept. of Natural Resources

 • Planned with the public, mapped, developed and published a statewide Greenways and Bikeways  Master Plan (Hoosiers on the Move) by engaging Indiana communities in a way that would place every Hoosier within 15 minutes of a trail or bike route in the state of Indiana.
• Created an innovative and visionary method to sustainably fund and maintain a revenue stream insuring the new greenways system remains viable in the 21st century.
• Developed a set of Indiana standards for design, way-finding and safety guidelines based on AASHTO, FHWA, ASLA, RTC and NPS information that would help guide communities and engineering and design professionals to create a unified greenway trail and bikeway system consistent through the state without hampering local needs to promote historic, arts, cultural and natural areas.
• Worked with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources to acquire land, address regional connections to State recreation, natural, historic and scenic areas. Acquired over 200 miles of abandoned rail corridors in over 45 counties.
• Worked with Indiana Health Commission, Indiana Department of Agriculture and State, County and Community organizations promoting health and fitness for the citizens and visitors to Indiana.

Commission Member

• North Bay Hills Neighborhood Assoc. – Vice President .
• Safety Harbor Financial Advisory Board – Second term.
• Wabash River Heritage Corridor Commission – Authored funding plan adopted by the Indiana State Legislature.
• Ohio River Greenways Commission – Indiana / Kentucky Loop Trail Planning and developed with the cities of Louisville, New Albany, Clarksville and Jeffersonville.
• Purdue Univ. / INDOT Highway Safety review team for Bike and Pedestrian infrastructures with Prof. Jon D. Fricker.
• Central Indiana Regional Multi Modal Task Force. Indpls. MPO.
• Indianapolis Greenways Development Commission. Author and Founder.
• White River State Park Commission – Advisory Committee.

City of Indianapolis – Marion County 1993 – 2005
Mayors; Bill Hudnut R, Steve Goldsmith R. and Bart Peterson D.
Department of Parks and Recreation; Art Strong, Leon Younger, Jim Parham, Joseph Wynn’s

• Administrator of 10 person staff and a 14 member Greenways Development Commission for the
implementation and development of the Indianapolis Greenways Master Plan.
• Managed the planning, development, operations and promotion of over 200 miles of recreation,
fitness and conservation trails and corridors along 20 rivers, streams and old rail corridors including the Monon Trail, Central Canal Tow Path, 1 Mountain Bike Park and Town Run Trail Park, Marion County and 327 miles of on street Bike Routes.
• Created Pouges Run Art and Nature Park in partnership with Herron Art School, Indpls. / Museum Art and Virginia Fairbanks Art and Nature Park totaling over 6000 acres.
• Department of Public Works – Managed up to 14 AFCME, Greenways and Bikeways workers involved daily in mowing, landscape and native vegetation management restoration, tree planting, snow removal and maintaining the Indianapolis Greenways and bikeways system.

Consultant 1992-1993

• U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Sasaki Associates, Inc., on the Indianapolis Central Waterfront
Master Plan and White River State Park Development Plan and Canal Walk in Downtown Indy.
• Indianapolis Parks Board Commissioner; contributed to the development of The Indy Parks Strategic Plan for Marion County and several Parks master plans.

City County Council, District #21, Representative 88-92 1988 – 1992

• Voted Outstanding Councilman of the 29-member council.
• Authored legislation creating the White River Greenways Task Force and the White River Greenways Development Board.
• Authored ordinances on illegal dumping. Community property standards, signage standards.

Major Projects

• Planning partner; White River Central Waterfront Project, and Downtown Canal Walk
• Indy Parks Master Plan that won NPS/NPARA Gold Medal award in 2000, MP04, MP08
• Co-Founder Indpls Day Center Service to the Homeless w/Midtown Mental Health
• Day of Service, Renovated 4 city Parks in one day with 3000 Nazarene Youth Intl.
• Planned and Developed w/DPW Pogues Run Art and Nature Park flood control
• Authorized legislation creating the Indianapolis Greenways System
• IPRA bill manager in the IN. State Legislature for the Indiana Recreational User Law
• INDOT lead on the Indiana Greenways and Bikeways Master Plan ”Hoosiers on The Move”
• Planned and built over a dozen modern and historic bridges including an 1864 Bow String
• Currently working with the Town of Lawrence and DNR on the Belford covered bridge
• Charlotte NC 15 County Thread Trail project in partnership with Duke Energy and Bank of America
• Town Run Trail Park Mountain Bike Park in partnership w/ HMBA
• Developed & Produced a Statewide conference on in-ground infrastructures w/Gov. Daniels
• NPS selected Four Indianapolis Greenways Trails as Nat’l Recreation Trails (first time ever)
• Indy Greenways team won over 25 major national trail awards
• Built Fall Creek Neighborhood redevelopment plan w/ Prof Ferguson Ball State Univ.
• Spearheaded Maple Road Redevelopment Team, w/DMD, DPW, Ball State Univ. Regional Center
• Glendale neighborhood connectivity plan w/Meg Storrow LA
• Cardinal Greenway initial survey and planning w/ Ball State Univ. Prof. Anne Henderson
• Co-founder w/John Hay Jr. Indianapolis Day Center Service to the Homeless
• IMA Virginia Fairbanks Art and Nature Park, partnership development and planning
• Canal Towpath trail partnership with the Indianapolis Water Co.
• Monon Trail infrastructure sewer development project
• 25 yr. White River cleanup and development project w/National Starch and Chemical, Friends of the White River, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, River communities and business interests

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