
Up Close and Personal with 2014 American RAAM Winner, Dennis Johnson (on a Bent!)

Up Close and Personal with 2014 American RAAM Winner, Dennis Johnson (on a Bent!)


bacchettalogo110 201405020022550.Dennis Johnson RAAM 2014

From a 60-pound overweight, non-cyclist smoker, Dennis Johnson purchased a Bacchetta Recumbent Bicycle in 2005 and nine years later, used his fierce competetive nature to become the fastest American to finish the world’s toughest bike race, the 2014 Race Across America. All this as he and his wife adopted a Chinese girl who is now seven. Learn more, in the podcast above, about what makes this man burn  and the extremely smart race his 11-person crew, led by Kellie Moylan, helped him to win. Oh, and by the way, Dennis also won the over 60-year-old division too. Dennis is only 61 years old!!




left to right: Brian Meakin, Steve Jackson, Bill Drake, Leroy Richard, Tim Woudenberg, Dennis, Allan Duhm, Keith Kohan, Jeff Clark, Kellie Moylan, Tim Oujezdsky, Alan Johnson 



On December 11, 2011, the City of Oakland lost a man who did so much to raise the profile of cycling in it that he was honored by its council  as its unofficial Bike Mayor. Ron Bishop succumbed to a cancer that could not be treated because lesions discovered on his brain made him too weak for any kind of surgical procedure to take place.


The lesions were caused by being exposed to Agent Orange during the Viet Nam war. These were wounds he carried for over 40 years as he established himself as a much in demand architect. A brilliant man, with creativity oozing from his pores, he raised a family of two girls and even took them to school in a bike trailer long  before it was an accepted practice. He helped the region to see Oakland as the beautiful biking city it is becoming.

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Mayor Quan presenting two 2014 proclamations honoring Ron
Then the bubble that all of us lived in burst. Unable to find work designing homes, a League of American Bicyclists certified instructor,  in 2009, he dedicated his creativity to bicycling. As he was starting the Easy Riders Bicycle Touring Group, for example, when he was not taking whatever paying work he could find along the way, he even found time to help me ride a thousand miles on the Eagle HiWheel to Salt Lake City. All this as Ron’s world kept crashing all around him. The real face of the Occupy Oakland movement, as he and I had agreed when we spoke recently, even his good friend Oakland Mayor Jean Quan (the three of us are pictured below) and for that matter the US Govt, for whom he had fought in the war that exposed him to Agent Orange as he affirmed the American Way, had to sit back and watch as he was evicted from his home of 30 years this last summer.


Ron with his friend, Oakland Mayor, Jean Quan and Martin Krieg

As he then lost the security and safety of a home, as well as the community and all the memories he had built around it, corporate executives all over America were pulling down million dollar bonuses. And as  the corporate state still reigns supreme in many countries all over the world, countless dreams and lives like Ron’s continue to be shattered. Nor was it long before Ron, succumbed to the foreign agent in his body that had given him varying degrees of trouble all of his adult years. A such, Ron is yet another casualty of the greed that benefits so few at the expense of so many.
Ron’s passing leaves a huge hole in my heart. It makes me so sad to know that one of my activist comrades will no longer be there to help me to keep the National Bicycle Greenway  dream out there.

Besides myself and bike activists everywhere, we are all diminished by Ron’s passing. All of us suffer because the odds were stacked so high against Ron. Or as John Donne famously said,
Never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
it tolls for thee. 
THX for your life Ron!
In the Spring of 2011, I was lucky enough to learn more about him in this podcast interview

      THX 4 all of U!!

At the December 16, 2011 Oakland Celebration of 18 miles of new bikeways in 2011, Mayor Jean Quan dedicated Oakland’s newest bike lane on Webster Street in Ron’s honor. Ron would have ridden this new bike lane often from his house in the Temescal to Downtown Oakland. We are sure Ron is smiling somewhere knowing that he helped make this happen. At East Bay Bike Coalition tribute


– Hales from South Carolina
– Father of two young women
– Vietnam Veteran
– UC Berkeley Grad in Env. Design/Architecture 1981
– Very involved in energy efficiency, permaculture and green aspects of building.
– Contracted as space planner for AT&T Western Region 10 years
– Berkeley Unified School District Architect 5 years.
– Sacramento Regional Transit architect for extension to Folsom
– I became green in 1976 and continue to strive to produce projects that are energy efficient.
– Sierra Club Northern Alameda County Executive Committee in 2007
co-founder Regional Urban Design Forum Committee of the American Institute of Architects – East Bay [AIAEB].
– Metropolitan Transportation Commission Pedestrian Safety Committee,
– East Bay Bicycle Coalition [EBBC]
– Oakland Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee [BPAC]
– Oakland Measure DD Committee
– League Certified Instructor [LCI] of bicycle safety for the League of American Bicyclist [LAB].Post

The last ride Ron led –

Max Chen, NBG Scout, San Francisco Metal Artist

Max Chen, NBG Scout, San Francisco Metal Artist

[sc_embed_player fileurl=”″ title=”Max Chen Interview”] Max Chen Interview

San Francisco Mechanical Engineer and Metal Artist, Max Chen, talks about his bicycle art, his long involvement with the NBG including the TransAmerica ride he did for us in 2000 and the on line mapping project he  worked with us on in 2006.




January 29 2011, 3:05 PM  by Martin Krieg

Don Loomis, an 18 year IBM veteran, present day Apple engineer, and father of four, talks about why his 2004 bike trip across America was cause for renewal.


Mayors’ Ride Bios -Don Loomis

1. Which Relay link do you want to ride?

San Jose to Chicago (then to Washington DC on my own)

2. How you found us

I first heard Martin speak at Almaden Cycle Touring Club in 1998. Went on the first part of the ride in 2000, crossing most of Califonia. Attended the Santa Cruz NBNG Bikefests.

3. Why you want to do this ride

I enjoy cycle touring and will enjoy experiencing and promoting it with others.

4. Tell us about your touring experience- if little or none, indicate many miles have you ridden over the last year:

Bought a 10 speed in 1974 with the goal of someday going across the country. Have been on many weekend and longer trips. Took a trip with the family 9 years ago down the west coast, biking with them until Oregon and the rest of the way by myself.

5. Tell us about your bike

I plan to get a recumbent bike before this trip. Currently I have a 21 speed touring bike and two Bike Fridays. I have a B.O.B. trailer which I plan to take.

6. Describe your training regimen

I usually commute and take a bus to work, biking 8 miles per day. Haven’t done that for a while but will get back into it. As it gets closer to the trip I plan to bike the entire way to work (about 20 miles each way), and take weekend trips. After I purchase a new bike I want to take it on overnight trips with the camping gear.

7. How are you making time for this

Using vacation time from work and taking a couple weeks extra off.

8. What are your fears about doing this ride

I have no doubts that I can do the ride and know that I will enjoy it. I have learned through experience the importance of drinking plenty of water and eating well.

9. Do you have any special skills that you feel would benefit the Mayors’ Ride?

I will be bringing my camcorder to take pictures of the ride. I’ve had experience planning routes and logistics for a bike trip. I also use a computer for notes and communicating.

10. Do you have any personal contacts that you feel could help the National Bicycle Greenway or the Mayors’ Ride? If so, please list them here.

I am telling friends and relatives about it, and inviting them to join me on parts of it.

11. If you are involved with other non-profit organizations, please tell us about them:

Almaden Cycle Touring Club (ACTC)

11. Anything else you’d like to share with us?

I am really looking forward to the ride and I think this will be a great experience. This will also be a good time to reflect on things.

Name: Don Loomis


Follow Don’s adventures  at