Undecided?? The moment you sign up for our ride is the exact point in time when your ride will have begun. Sure it won't be until the Summer of 2000 that your wheels will hit the TransAm road, but when you decide that what we propose here is how you are going to occupy your millennial summer, Magic will begin to prevail in your life. And that is what we are doing here. We're making Magic.
Our entire ride and the Greenways that will result are all about stepping outside the box of limited thinking that doesn't let the small thinkers of this world believe in unseen possibilities. And yet the road to expanded awareness is built on commitment, focused intention. When you really decide, when all doubt is eliminated, when you actually circle a starting date on your calendar, your view of your future will become clear; your life will shift to a far more powerful operating level not fraught with limits .
In the same way that a forest fire gets the attention of most anyone from miles around, your focused thinking will bring an avalanche of wonder, gifts and resources into your life. As you give yourself to 'greening' the Way in the summer of 2000, your family, friends, coworkers, school and business associates will all tune into this fact:
You know where you are going, and why. This current of energy will travel in inexplicable ways from mind to mind, heart to heart, as one obstacle after another falls away. Your very living and needs will magically manifest for you. Contacts you need, at home and on the road, will show up at the right time. Answers to questions, the gear that you require; money, and the time for our journey will all flow into your daily maneuverings once you've started on the Way to the Greening.......
There's a saying:
The world stands aside to let anyone pass If Jordan's word resonate for you, and commitment is what you lack, take a look at this excerpt from our Training Newsletter (both mental and physical) series:
who knows where he is going.
David Starr JordanAnd we need you to make this decision NOW, not a few weeks or months before we actually leave. Signing up for our ride NOW brings us strength in numbers - the strength necessary to warrant the financial and political support this project deserves.
We're all on a mission here. As big thinkers, we have with the kind of faith that will move mountains And moving those mountains will be a lot more important when you join us! NOW!!