The word RECUMBENT has become synonymous with three-wheeled bicycles largely because they are easier to learn making them easier to sell.
However, they are –
- Slower than 2-wheel recumbents
- Too wide
- The higher performance models are too low
- Hard to transport
- Unable to weave through potholes like you can on 2 wheels
- Too expensive.
Trikes are raising the bar to entry for those looking to get into recumbent cycling. They have also made the word recumbent synonymous with an older, less athletic crowd. Many think trike riders are disabled.
In terms of performance, the recumbent Two-Wheel Bike is far superior. Two wheel bents –
- Are faster.
- Climb hills better.
- They turn better. You can lean into turns which is exhilarating. You can feel like you are an airplane fighter pilot.
And –
- Are easier to work on.
- Are easier to store
- Take up less space.
- Are easier to transport
- Can go places trikes can’t.
- Cost less money.
- Perform more like a regular bike.
We all start on a trike, then training wheels on a two wheeler, then upright two wheelers, then two wheel bents as we all get hurt and sore from uprights, then back to trikes.
As one of the pioneers of the modern day recumbent ,I am not at all happy that because they are easier to sell, trikes have caused Recumbent Two Wheel Bicycle makers to go under because they can’t get their bikes into the shops.