October 6, 2007
Ellen Fletcher Gratitude Ride
GRATITUDE: if the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough -- meister eckhart
Today, with joy, Palo Altans "walked and rolled"
With Ellen Fletcher sagely in the lead,
Guiding the busycle down Bike Boulevard
Through a city "going green" in word and deed.
---Cynthia Symancyk

Ellen Fletcher Gratitude Ride
Videography: Scott Westlake
In the above video, watch Palo Alto cyclists and city dignitaries, many on the Busycle, demonstrate their appreciation
for much of the amazing infrastructure one of America's first bike activists, Ellen Fletcher, brought to their city,
by riding on the bike boulevard named after her. At 72, Ellen still drives - Busycles!

What a true community event!" lots of fun, folks waving, wondering at it, and walking beside it! Great energy. Thanks to all, especially to Martin, of course, and to Ellen who successful started it all long ago!
Liz Kniss
, Supervisor Santa Clara County
The busycle community ride on Saturday was a blast and a great community builder -- thank you, Martin and all who participated!
Yoriko Kishimoto
Mayor Palo Alto
Matthew Blain & Jean Luc towed Unwheeldy to the event behind a 4-seater bike. Watch it in Action!
Corker Chantal
Busycle Key Operators
Rich Willits, Dave Hanzel
Today, with joy, Palo Altans "walked and rolled"
Busycle Poem
Cynthia Ends Ellen's Ride with Poem for Ellen | The Video
Leroy Drives us home - Video
Garage Sale gives Yoriko
a Flag - Video
Misc Videos - THX Rich Willits: one (60 sec) two (5 sec) three (25 sec) four (12 sec)
Yoriko's husband, Lee Collins driving - five (15 sec)
Rider Crew :
Ellen Fletcher, Mayor Yoriko Kishinoto, Supervisor Liz Kniss, Ronna Devincenzi, Faye Saunders, Rich Willits, Dave Hanzel, Asher Waldfogel, Cathy McGowan, Dean Cowherd, Cynthia Symancyk, Nick Perry, Brett Garrett, David & Jane Moss, Tina Lamers, Leroy Tassin, Phil Spiegel, Mike Harding, Lee Collins, Angelique Anderson, Mike Judic, Scott Westlake
Phil Spiegel
Chantal Vanderyken (pictured above)
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