National Mayors’ Ride Format to Return – No NBG Bus!


mayorsridelogo150pxHaving had the accountant’s cap on that  I wore in college and then for a few years in the once fledgling Silicon Valley, the numbers I have been crunching only justify an NBG moving billboard bus for the seven CA cities we regularly visit. But not for a National campaign. I even tried monetizing the NBG effort without the Mayors’ Ride using only the NBG Fests that would result from local business involvement in our Attractions Maps for the NBG route as it passes through their cities. Not profitable either. Nothing I could present to a crowd source platform.

As hard as I pushed Microsoft Excel, the only way I could get it to show a profit any other way was for us to charge unrealistic prices for festival booths as well as web based display advertising. And yet I tried, I really did. The only thing that could put us in the black, as well as employ 20 people with good paying jobs in seven  years time  is to bring back the national level of our Mayors’ Rides and align them with NBG Festivals. 
All this has shown me that we were on the right track with our Mayors’ Ride formula all along. Now we can get rubber on the ground to actually show that the roads and path we’ve selected to get al of our NBG Anchor cities  hooked up make for a great San Francisco to Washington DC bike connection. This is especially so since the last 300 miles of our Greenway, from Pittsburgh to the National Capital are already complete in the form of the Great Allegheny Passage and the C&O Canal towpath!  And not far from San Francisco and only 15 miles from Davis, is the National Bicycle Greenway trophy greenway, the 25-mile American River Pkwy . 
What’s more is that in Year 4, my 7-year NBG plan calls for bringing on a high calibre ad agency. On a par with BBDO or Chiat Day, the same firms that made the Apple computer a reality by celebrating a once new technology as they also lionized Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak turning the into modern day  American heroes. Toward that end, I foresee them making celebrities out of the coast to coast cyclists you will now see me recruiting for.

As such, here is the  post I am now circulating  at our blog and on Facebook:

Coast-to-Coast Mayors’ Ride
Rider(s) Wanted

After 14 years of Mayors’ Rides, we have fleshed out the route (HERE) from San Francisco to Washington, DC that went live in 2014 and are now looking for a cyclist(s) to ride it. We are looking for someone who can pay their own expenses and do the ride during the months of June and July, leaving our 2nd Davis NBG Fest on May 27, so we can work with you as well as  publicize your journey. Since we will also be busy seeding the route with those businesses that service cyclists in our 20 NBG Biking Cities it is probable that you will find yourself in receipt of complimentary food, lodging and bicycle goods, etc !

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You will be interfacing with 20 big city mayors and/or their office staffs. Toward that end, our 20 city (we plan to add Folsom, CA to our line up), Mayors’ Ride schedule is coming soon.

To ride for us, reply with your interest at