October 13, 2007
Whole Foods Harvest Fest Ride
October 13, 2007
Today, bushels of organic fun
Overflowed at Whole Foods for everyone.
The busycle, led by Martin, Nathan, Benjamin, and Paul,
Shared fruits of sun-ripened amusement with one and all,
While the Unwheeldy, wheeled by Matthew, Dave, and John,
Sweetened the journey of those who laughed and got on.
Bob and the shining, sun-powered Solinator
Served as a walking, pro-green commentator,
While Tom and his Bike-to-Work-Day creation
Made motorists long for a carless vacation.
Catherine painted smiles, to the King Kats’ savory beat,
While barbecued sausages sizzled for all to eat.
And to Angel, Shawn, James, Kevin, Pete, Billy, Concepción,
Mike, Chris, Phil, David, Claudia, Terri, and Art,
We offer our freshly-harvested, home-grown appreciation
For your nourishment, your joy, and your heart.
--Cynthia Symancyk
The Busycle Poet
Photo Gallery
Chrstopher Weckes Festival Coordinator
Sean Kennedy & the King Kats
Phil Lonardo & Felize
Face Painter Catherine Drives Bus
The Whole Foods crew that got us there

The crew that got us back
Bob Schneeveis with the Solinator was there !
Asher powered a few blocks!
Juia Whealan loves the Busycle !
Rider Crew :
Whole Foods Busyclists (Angel, Shawn, James, Kevin, Pete, Billy, Concepcion, Dave), Cynthia Symancyk, Nick Perry, Leroy Tassin, David & Edda, Matthew Blain, John Perkins, Johne Cabrera, Catherine Baldassari-Litchman, Belou Chin, Dave Whealan & duaghter Julia, Mark, David, various other Palo Altans
Paul's team w/Nathan & Benjamin
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