We have given Scott Campbell first dibs on this opportunity, but it needs to be out there in the event that he (and maybe his partner Pam Slocum) cannot find a way to make it happen:
After fleshing out a coast-to-coast route with a decade and a half of national Mayors’ Rides, we are now turning our attention to getting the route that has resulted known about. Instead of Mayors’ Ride campaigns, we are finally ready for cyclists to start riding what we have created.
Unlike in years past where we have needed our riders to be at certain City Halls at specific times on certain dates (Scott Campbell’s amazing ride detailed in this video, for example)
required a lot of time and coordination on our part) you can go at your own pace. All we ask is that you use the roads and paths from San Francisco to Washington, DC at BikeRoute.com.
Toward that end, you will be expected to pay your own expenses. However, you will get a free room night in the hotel that anchors any one of the 12 NBG Biking Cities outside of the SF Bay Area that you are rolling through (in some cases, however, an alternate hotel in the same city may be required). In terms of other compensation, we will blog your ride with photos you take and any reports you may want to file with us. Since we won’t be busy coordinating with the Mayors along your way (proclamation creation, approval and presentation ceremonies, etc), we can also do a weekly podcast show where we will discuss your ride.
Talk about a keepsake for posterity, more than helping us make the NBG real, the web presence you will get for this can be used in a resume to help you get a job, impress a potential partner, or just to have as a link in your dot sig for bragging rights.
If interested NBG @ BikeRoute.com (less the spaces).
Thx for considering this opportunity!!
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