Davis NBG Fest, a Thing of Beauty for America’s Top Bike City!

A – Lightning at Whole Foods
B – Other Raffle Prizes
C – Davis NBG Fest 4-foot poster at Whole Foods
D – Bands Ready to Rumble the Fest!
E – NBG fest handouts
F – Davis Commons where  1884 Thomas Stevens rode/ walked
G – Roadie wanted
H – Sinead Santich and Huck Vaughn may film  Fest Documentary


screen-shot-2016-09-26-at-1-42-46-pmA – On Wednesday nite, Eric and I put the life size Lightning Cycle Dynamics Phantom on display at Whole Foods. In putting it on top of its cold beverage coolers where it is visible from over half of their huge store, we even got help from store manager, Cyn Leo who climbed on top of the case not unlike a teenager and Norm their building maintenance supervisor.


Far more than selling some raffle tickets, it is so striking, it can’t help but call attention to our event in a  classy, notable way. Here is where you can win it – http://BikeRoute.com/raffle


B – Other raffle  items: 4-$50 Whole Foods certificates, $50 Yolo Berry Yogurt Certificate, $50 J Cunningham Salon Hair Care Products, Get Fit Davis Free Month w/Free Pers Trainer – more coming


img_4008C – As for our poster, it too is more than a flier in a window, here is the beautiful sign Eric Warp created for Whole Foods Market, Davis. It looks out on the Davis Commons where we will be holding our Davis NBG Fest on October 22!!


A couple of businesses the other way is Hot Italian Pizza. They’ll be serving guilt-free, genuinely nutritious, sugar-free and organic pizza at our event!!


D – Here is our musical lineup: Dank Ocean | Tha Dirt Feelin | Charles Lang. And talk about awesome personalities, I can’t wait to share pianist Charles Lang, Erin, the Dank Ocean sax player  and Marques the easily lovable lead singer for Tha Dirt Feelin with you. This is going to be so joyous and so much fun!!  


E – Help us get the word out there by passing out these handouts, do shoot me an email. As I rebuild my volunteer base here in Davis, I need people locally  to help me get these out there.


F – The first photo below is the  Davis Commons where Tha Dirt Feelin, Dank Ocean and Charles Lang will be filling the air waves with their beautiful tunes to help us relaunch the National Bicycle Greenway from Davis, CA as a part of our Davis NBG Fest. Saturday Oct 22!


As the gateway to Davis, California, the stop lights at the left, lead, less than a block away, to a railroad underpass that was built in 1917. In 1884 when Thomas Stevens passed through Davis, on his, the first bike ride across America and then around the world, this is where he would have been found!


G – Who wants to work with the bands that will be playing our Davis NBG Fest ? In particular, we need someone who can help them get their gear (amps, instruments and cabling, etc) from their vehicles to the stage. Experience not necessary


H – Saw Sinead Santich at Grocery Outlet, one of our Fest Sponsors, last night. She was with Jake her BF who races for UC Davis and who, among all his other victories, not long ago  won the Cat 3 division of the Nevada City Criterium. Last December Sinead and Huck Vaughn teamed up in a class project to produce a truly beautiful video called Life Cycles. I guess I am particularly fond of it, because along with Jake, I am one of the people she visits with.


Well, in addition to the documentary they may do about Biking in Davis, Sinead and Huck may do a short documentary of our Fest I can use to sell the National Bicycle Greenway in a crowd source campaign as well as to potential investors willing to help me monetize what I have long foreseen.