Dr. Yilma, Dave Scott, Avid Reader Event, Lots New Prizes, Yolo CVB, etc, etc & NBG Fest

A – Top educator in world to speak at Fest
B – Get Fit Davis (GFD) sign seen daily by throngs
C – GFD former home of Dave Scott Triathlon Club
D – Many Hundreds of $ of prizes added to raffle
E – Avid Reader 10/21 booksign describd  
F – Yolo CVB puts us on their calendar
G – iPad needed at Fest
H – Dank Ocean audio
I – Steve’s pizza signs on
J – Three Mile Brew joins

14650081_1771320943155610_1261501801346109155_nA – Dr. Tilahun Yilma – arguably the top educator in the world, will talk about how his fervent road biking keeps his mind and his body young as he lectures the world around. On Saturday, he had stopped to help me, as I had flatted on my way back from Winters to where he was headed. Yilma, as he likes to be called was in between trips to China where they are begging him to get on their teaching faculty.

The only educator recognized by the National Academy of Science, Yilma created a vaccine for a disease that was still plaguing his home country. In fact, in the late 1800’s, rinderpest had wiped out 90 percent of Ethiopia’s cattle causing millions of people to starve to death.
Yilma is a non-stop 73!!



B – On Friday nite, we placed Eric Warp‘s beautiful poster at Get Fit Davis Sport last nite! Now thousands of fitness-minded people will see this every day!!

300px-dave_scott_picC – I am so humbled and genuinely awed that Get Fit Davis, formerly the Davis Athletic Club, where Eric and I work out, once served as the home of the Dave Scott Triathlon ClubDave Scott, is internationally famous as one of the top endurance athletes of all time. I mean, he won the Hawaii Iron Man Triathlon (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 25 mile run), six, count ’em, six times! During which time he was the first to complete the race in  under 10 hours, then 9 hours, then 8.5 hours. 


And Dave Scott is a home grown Davis product. He went to Davis High School and then UC Davis and before he moved to Boulder, CO in 1992, started swim teams and triathlons clubs and races, several of which continue today. Just for me to think I get to ride on the same back roads upon which Dave Scott trained makes me now think I am on sacred ground.  Now  I know I am not missing anything by not having the challenge of mountain riding right out my back door. Now I can even more appreciate the beauty of letting it all hang out for mile after mile of flat farm land roads uninterrupted by stop signs, driveways or intersections.


Because Dave Scott became the premier athlete that he did using Davis and its surrounding lands as his training turf, it now makes sense to me why I feel more fit living here than I ever have. In fact, Davis is exactly what I needed after five tough years in Ireland where staying fit is a tremendous challenge. The athletes that I knew there would likely soar off the charts if their efforts were to take place here….


D – More additions to our Davis NBG Fest raffle. Grocery Outlet, 3-Mile Brewing and Steve’s Pizza have come aboard with prizes. While a handful of other local Davis businesses just await final approvals. Here then is our current line-up:


Lightning Phantom, baby brother of the fastest bike to cross America (5 days, 1 hour) Review by Bent Rider On Line 
Other items: 4-$50 Whole Foods certificates, $50 Yolo Berry Yogurt Certificate, $50 J Cunningham Salon Hair Care Products, Get Fit Davis Free Month w/Free Personal Trainer, 2 – $25 gift certificates Grocery Outlet, $50 certificate Original Steve’s Pizza, $50 certificate 3-Mile Brewing  – more coming
Help us make this real by taking a chance for $10 per ticket at THIS LINK!


E – Come hear me speak the night before our Festival at Avid Reader. There I’ll be signing commemorative copies of my book “Awake Again, all the Way Back from Head Injury” that will be outfitted with stickers that read, “I helped relaunch the National Bicycle Greenway in Davis”.

screen-shot-2016-10-10-at-12-51-48-pmThe talk I give will take  those in attendance down just a few of the many roads I have walked in trying to make the National Bicycle Greenway real since my book came out 22 years ago. And how now I feel we can switch into overdrive by making Davis the new home of this effort.

From Avid Reader:
Author Event – Awake Again: All the Way Back from Head Injury with Martin Krieg

The Avid Reader is happy to welcome clinical death survivor and high-wheel bicyclist Martin Krieg for a presentation, discussion, and signing of his autobiography, Awake Again: All the Way Back from Head Injury on Friday, October 21, 2016 starting at 7:30 p.m.

Awake Again: All the Way Back from Head Injury is the true story of how Krieg, in an attempt to offset all the merciless bullying that defined his life, tried to prove his manhood by living a life of danger. Turning from his bicycle to motorcycles and fast cars, he kept taking foolish risks until he died clinically as a result of an automobile collision.

Soon, he found the grueling rehabilitation that resulted from a two-month coma, heart seizures and right-side paralysis placed his masculinity on center stage. Powering through one obstacle after another, he was able to walk for a few steps, and then a few steps more, until it all gave way to long bicycle rides and beginning to fine-tune his physical and emotional well-being. During this time, he developed an insatiable appetite for self-help books that ultimately suggested he use his story to make life easier for others.

From this inspiration came the idea for the National Bicycle Greenway, a coast-to-coast bicycle right of way after his second bike ride across America in 1986. When Awake Again first came out in 1994, Krieg got even more serious about the Greenway, which nonprofit volunteers helped him form. In 2010, Krieg lost his tax-exempt status for the National Bicycle Greenway when he moved to Ireland to raise his now 5-year-old son.

Former Lockheed-Martin Director John Hartin says he finds himself still up Krieg’s book “just to browse and remind me of [Krieg’s] struggles and endless determination.”

About the Author: A resident of Davis, CA for the last year, Krieg is working to make his new city the home of the National Bicycle Greenway organization he is rebuilding. He is also the author of How to Bike America, and is a graduate of California State University Hayward’s business school, and a former accountant.

The Avid Reader will also be on-hand at the Davis National Bicycle Greenway Festival on Saturday, October 22nd at the Davis Commons on 1st and E Streets, starting at 11 a.m. to sell commemorative copies of Krieg’s book. For more information on the festival, click here.

Event date:
Friday, October 21, 2016 – 7:30pm to 8:30pm
Event address:
617 2nd St.
Davis, CA 95616


search-2E – The Yolo County Convention and Visitors Bureau just approved our Davis NBG Fest for their calendar of activities here in Yolo County! And the Yolo CVB communicates with a large number of people from here in Davis and in the larger region of California in which we live!! Yahoo!!

Let ’em know you’re coming!!


nbgt-shirtstaffG -Is there anyone who can loan us an iPad for the day of the Davis NBG Fest? We need such a device so we can run credit card sales for our raffle.

For which we also need one or two . We’ll be using Square.com. Can anyone help?

When I was in Santa Cruz and then Palo Alto with the nonprofit National Bicycle Greenway that I am relaunching with this event (after five years in Ireland raising my little boy, Cayo), I had a volunteer base I could readily access for stuff like this. Who can help here in Davis?

THX 4 all of U!!

H – This is audio from Dank Ocean who will soon be playing our Fest


I  – Steve’s Pizza is donating a $50 prize to our NBG Fest. Here is the founder Steve Wilkinson with Danish, the new owner.



J – This is Joe Runner, one of the seven people who own Three Mile Brewing here in Davis. They donated a $50 gift certificate to our raffle HERE!