Davis Starting to Feel Davis NBG Fest Buzz

1 Bike Capital of America approves 2017  NBG proclamation
2 Mayor Robb Davis to ride Davis to Sacramento June 4  from Ken’s Bike and Blisworks Bike and probably Grocery Outlet
3 A bit more about Keni and her music
4 Charles Lang impresses  Eric Warp
5 Oakland 2017 NBG proclamation soon
6 Grocery Outlet to energize NBG Fest Attendees
7 Lightning Cycle & legendary,Tim Brummer,   coming from Lompoc with worlds fastest bikes to be at Fest
8 Shaana Rahman bringing her award winning bike accident law firm from San Francisco to Davis NBG Fest
9 Martin Michael may be at our festival with  book about his 2015 bike ride across America
10 Preview many sites listed at NBG Davis Bike attractions map at  annual Tour de Cluck  Davis  May 6
11 Magdalena Gabriel to  work UCD Whole Earth Table 5/15.
12 Volunteer(s)  needed for Flying Carousel, the pedal-powered Merry go round  that benefits Davis public schools,
13 No tabling at April 22 Picnic Day anymore
14 Why the National Bicycle Greenway  goes to Washington DC and not New York like Lincoln Highway did
15 Paddy on the Binge may join our Davis NBG Fest.
16 The Davis Biking Report Card

1 Bike capital of America approves 2017  NBG proclamation

Got word late on Friday that the 2017  NBG  proclamation we have worked on with  Robb Davis, the Mayor of the City of Davis, has been approved! Soon, Tom Ayres will be adding this to the proclamation from Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf that he will be pedaling  to our second Second Davis NBG Fest on May 27 as a part of our 15th National Mayors’ Ride  that ends in Washington DC Screen-shot-2017-02-02-at-10.19.56-PM

WHEREAS, Thomas Stevens, the first person to ride a bike across the United States did so on a HIWheel, the Davis city symbol: and

WHEREAS Stevens rode through Davis as noted in the book he wrote about his 1884 journey to Boston and then around the world; and

WHEREAS, by placing the bicycle at the center of its governance, Davis, home to the first bike lane in America, is filled with a plethora of bike lanes, greenbelts, bike tunnels, traffic calmed streets and bike overpasses; and

WHEREAS the nonprofit National Bicycle Greenway (NBG) first celebrated the City of Davis with a reception from then Mayor Ruth Asmundson and dignitaries from sister city Sangju, South Korea  in 2003; and

WHEREAS, the first coast to coast highway, the Lincoln Hwy, passed through Davis in 1927; and

WHEREAS the City of Davis is proud to be home of the first coast-to-coast bicycle highway, the National Bicycle Greenway that will connect our city, the Bicycle Capital of America, with the Capital of the United States, Washington DC, and the 18 other great cities in between.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that I, as the bike-centric, car-free Mayor of the City of Davis, welcome the bicyclists to our beautiful City  and do hereby declare Saturday, May 27, 2017, to be “National Bicycle Greenway Day” in the City of Davis.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Davis to be affixed.


Robb Davis  May 27, 2017

2 Mayor Robb Davis to ride Davis to Sacramento June 4  from Ken’s Bike and Blisworks Bike and probably Grocery Outlet

The weekend after our Davis NBG Fest, on a Sunday, Davis Mayor Robb Davis will join us as we ride from the city of Davis the bike capital of America to  Sacramento, the state capital of California. A short 15.2 mile ride, we leave at 8 AM from Ken’s Bike, two blocks from the central downtown core before we travel the next  few miles to Blisworks  closer to the eastern edge of Davis. We are also set to tentatively stop at Grocery Outlet for an energy food recharge. Details on the latter soon!

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An important right of passage for Davis Cyclists, This ride will take us across the same expanse of land that Thomas Stevens worked his way across in 1884 when he became the first man to ride a bicycle across America and then  around the world. The expanse of land I refer to is the Yolo Bypass, that you’ve seen me talk about in here before. As a refresher, this body of water, and usually wetlands, which serves as a buffer between Davis and Sacramento, is an important overflow for the Sacramento River in times of possible flood. In fact, it can move more water than the Mississippi River and is 3 miles wide and 40 miles long!

Screen shot 2017-03-26 at 10.08.17 PMAt the website for this ride, on our way to our hopeful meeting with Gov Jerry Brown, you will see some of the ways that we would like to turn this connection that also serves as a wildlife refuge, into an attractive, inviting one.

 3 A bit more about Keni and her music 

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Keni, a former star athlete who fell from the top because of some pretty big health issues, used the music she writes and performs to renew herself. In between the lines of her tunes, she  will be sharing some of what she learned at our Second Davis NBG Fest coming to Central Park on May 27. The vibrant, confident, and alive person she has become is the result of tough decisions she made to follow  the voice  that asked her what made her feel truly alive and not the expectations of others.

By approaching life in this way, she is able to give her all to all of that  which she touches. And that includes her music which from a very young age she has long had a passion for! I cannot wait for festival attendees to hear her voice and her acoustic guitar sounds!

4 Charles Lang impresses  Eric Warp



Charles Lang will also  be playing our  5/27 Second Davis NBG Fest at  Central Park. Talk about a man committed to his craft, Charles, a UCD graduate, eats, sleeps, lives and breathes his piano mastery. As testimony to his magic in this regard, here locally, his music is in much demand. I feel honored that he has made time available to perform at our event!

I shared a sample of his music on Facebook, and Eric Warp, a music connoisseur of the highest form, shared the clip with a few of his music expert friends, and they were impressed..His web.

5 Oakland 2017 NBG proclamation soon 


In case you missed it, here is the NBG Mayors’ Ride proclamation that Governor Jerry Brown gave us in 2004 when he was the Mayor of Oakland. If you click on the image, you will see the paragraphs that honor NBG Director, Martin Krieg in 2002 and in 2004.

I have been in dialogue with along time proclamationist, Michael Hunt, and he tells me that the Oakland proclamation by Oakland Mayor Libby Scharf is also soon forthcoming!

6 Grocery Outlet to energize NBG Fest Attendees

The ink is not dry but we have a tentative “yes we will be there” from the people at Grocery Outlet! I am excited that they will be there because when you think of discount groceries, you think of food that is at the end of its shelf life or that it is often tasteless filler  that is probably not good for you.

When I lived in Palo Alto for the better part of a decade, I first discovered a Grocery Outlet store in Redwood City. I could not believe some of the prices on  genuine health food items. The discounts were so huge that I kept checking the dates on the food.  I kept looking for other ways in which the food may have been compromised. I just could not believe it

This  was the case on genuinely healthy food, but there was no way I thought they could could sustain such prices. So I did not make them a part of my regular grocery buying travel pattern

And yet now that  I live about a mile from such a store, I can  see that the blockbuster prices are really real.  And consistent. So much so that I almost don’t want to let the secret get out. However it seems like the more people crowd  the registers, the more different kinds of healthy foods circulate on and off the shelves. You just have to be quick wow.

And I would say there’s a 92% chance they will be  exhibiting at our second Davis NBG Fest

7 Lightning Cycle & legendary,Tim Brummer,   coming from Lompoc with worlds fastest bikes to be at Fest 

The worlds fastest bicycle, the Lightning Cycle Dynamics P-38 that went across the United States in five days, one hour, will be presenting at the Second Davis NBG Fest on May 27. For decades their machines have stood at the top of the hill ready to take on all challengers. And indeed they are fast.

I used to pooh pooh their peculiar velocity thinking it was the man and not the machine that accounted for unfairled bicycle speed. It took only one ride on wide open roads for me to realize how silly my thinking long had been. Now when I see an upright cyclist off in the distance ahead of me, it’s never a question whether I can catch them, I ask myself how long it will take.

Timothy R. Brummer will be there too. The bike’s inventor, all the way back in the 70s, his machines were the first to go 60 miles an hour and only lacked a registered track to prove that the 65 miles an hour they achieved was legitimate.

15219565_10210356615407947_4627190564202900938_nHere on the Davis back roads, it’s what Eric Warp and I speed around on…





 8 Shaana Rahman bringing her award winning bike accident law firm from San Francisco to Davis NBG Fest 

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Shaana Rahman, a bike accident attorney, who’s firm’s services are much in demand in San Francisco, will be coming to our second Davis NBG Fest to let Davis and nearby Sacrament  cyclists know that she is there to help.

9 Martin Michael may be at our festival with  book about his 2015 bike ride across America

Martin Michael, the results getting Vice President of the Davis Bike Club came to Davis with his girlfriend, Ashlin Yahr, a PhD student in the UC Davis veterinary school in the summer of 2015.  How did they get here from New York City via Frankfurt, Germany (where he grew up)?   On a bicycle!

Not  only did they come to Biketopia on a bike but they wrote a book about it. Entitled, “Next Stop, Pacific Ocean” you can view it here:

Here is what I said on the Davis Bike Club mailing list:

Martin #2 (I’m older!) is a class act indeed and he and his also amazing lady, Ashlin, who is studying veterinary medicine at UC Davis, both made me and the speakers from the Yolo Crisis Center feel very welcome. And after the evening was done, as a thank you for my presentation, Martin #2 gave me a copy of the book about his 2015 bike ride across America. Called “Next Stop Pacific Ocean, the story of a couple cycling through the US”, from what I have read so far, I am impressed by the writing and the adventure. You can see/buy the book here – http://cyclingthewestcoast.com

And there’s a chance that if we can slow one or both of them down enough they’ll be able to show it at the table we have offered them. A well articulated book, it is also a great beginners guide for someone considering a long bike journey

10 Preview many sites listed at NBG Davis Bike attractions map at  annual Tour de Cluck  Davis  May 6

The 8th annual Tour de Cluck: A Bicycle Chicken Coop Crawl is coming the first Saturday in May, May 6. Starts at 9AM at Central Park, where we are holding our Second Davis NBG Fest, and in a casual, fun way lets cyclists get under the hood here in Davis to visit beehives, edible gardens, water conservation systems and backyard chicken coops. The fee is $15 per rider. Kids ride free…


It you go, you will see that this tour uses a lot of the Davis Bike Loop (in the Davis Bike Report Card below) and travels near many of the sites we list as the NBG Biking Attractions of Davis at this page

11 Magdalena Gabriel to  work UCD Whole Earth Table 5/15. 

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Heard from Magdalena Zazirska Gabriell yesterday She wants to work the NBG booth at the Whole Earth festival at UC Davis the weekend of May 12 through the 14th! She wants to help us get information out about our Second Davis NBG Fest May 27 at Central Park in Davis. Big Yahoo.

And who wants to help her? Magda can work a couple hours on Saturday the 13th. We also need coverage on Friday the 12th and Sunday the 14th!

12 Volunteer(s)  needed for Flying Carousel, the pedal-powered Merry go round  that benefits Davis public schools,

17426182_1855639014723802_9189132116183879896_n 17498900_1855639048057132_4390231357968730984_n
If we can get volunteers to staff it, the Flying Carousel may be in operation at our festival









13 No tabling at April 22 Picnic Day anymore

The picnic day event here in Davis that you saw me asking volunteer tablers  for, sent me a message. They no longer run tables at their huge event that takes place this year on April 22. As such, I guess I will just be riding in the HiWheel contingent. Maybe next year we can have a national bicycle reweigh group……

14 Why the National Bicycle Greenway  goes to Washington DC and not New York like Lincoln Highway did

The worlds first coast to coast car Highway, the Lincoln Highway, that crossed America in 1914, and made Davis a part of its upgraded new route in 1927, extended from San Francisco to New York City. The reason the national bicycle Greenway follows much of the Lincoln Highway passage across America but does not travel to the Big Apple is because of the 300+ mile section of the Greenway that is already complete.  Once our route that you can find at BikeRoute.com, reaches Pittsburgh it travels to Washington DC, the end of our   connection, because of the Great Allegheny passage and C&O canal trail. A  car Free wonderland, this connection was  first explored by our NBG Scouts from 2002 to 2007.

15 Paddy on the Binge may join our Davis NBG Fest. 

17523621_1855569454730758_6522463580743676787_nIf our organizing committee agrees, we are going to be treated to the music of Paddy on the Binge. I got to hear three of them play at the Nugget shopping center near Blisworks Bike shop where Obin on the violin, Vince on the guitar and Skyler on the flute, were busking. UC Davis products, the music, with a Celtic influence was tight and fun to listen to.

They tell me they can amplify their sound and their complete group includes Lee Martin, a bagpiper and Laura Tjolker, a violinist. Sounds like we are going to be adding to the excellent times straight ahead!

Their web: https://www.paddyonthebinge.com

16 The Davis Biking Report Card

See  it HERE
