A- Mayors’ Ride stop in Napa Returns
B – Arriving rider needs shower stall before Davis NBG Fest starts on May 27
C – Booth app sent to Whole Earth Fest
D – My presentation at UCD Whole Earth Festival – what I submitted
E – Who table UCD Whole Earth Fest for NBG?
F – Eric Warp may design NBG booth!
G – Why I deadlift for NBG and for Recumbents with video
H – My commute to Davis Swim & Fitness
I – 50 & 100 year City Davis booth(s) needed
J – Spin the wheel to Win energy bars and drinks at Grocery Outlet Davis NBG Fest booth
K – Meet Tim Brummer of Lightning Cycle Dynamics at Davis NBG Fest (with pic podcast)
L – Meet Mayor Robb Davis on Davis to Sacramento ride
M – Who Update Proclamtion storyboard
N – Biking dentist, Sycamore Dental, sponsors Davis NBG Fest – gets flag on Davis Bike Attractions map
O – Ride to Winters with Eric Warp and inviting Winters to be at festival
A – Mayors’ Ride stop in Napa Returns
Our 2017 national mayors ride which begins in Oakland on Thursday, May 25, has added Napa back to our list of NBG Anchor Cities. One of our original Mayors’ Ride cities, we were visiting them as far back as 2002. Because so many cities were trying to get a Mayors Ride stop however, in 2007 we decided to put a population limit of 100,000 people on our NBG Anchor cities. It was for this reason that we bundled Davis with Sacramento and pulled Napa from our list of Mayors’ Ride stops. In hindsight, we are now seeing these were important exceptions to make. As added testimony to such sentiment, in 2009, when I rode the Eagle Hiwheel to Salt Lake City, Napa city Councillor Julie Inman, was very gracious with our group even though we were close to an hour late in arriving from Oakland
At the midway point between Oakland and Davis, Tom Ayres, PhD, will have a far easier time of making our festival on time with a Napa stop the day before on Friday, May 26. Since Tom will NOT be doing a far more imposing Oakland to Davis ride, all in one day on that Friday, he is looking for people to join him on his ride from Oakland to Napa with an expected 2 PM arrival. And then on the following day on Saturday morning, he wants to ride from Napa to Davis a distance of roughly 50 miles with others who may be interested in joining him. At which point he and his group will be received by Davis Mayor, Robb Davis as they kick off our Davis NBG Fest.
If you want to ride with Tom on Friday morning or Saturday morning, please let me know nbg@BikeRoute.com
B – Arriving rider needs shower stall before Davis NBG Fest starts on May 27
When Tom Ayres gets into Davis on Saturday, sometime between 12 and 12:30, he will need a shower. This is so because after he delivers the Oakland proclamation to Mayor Davis, he needs to get on the train and race back down to Oakland where his men’s choral group is giving a performance.
Is there anyone here in Davis who lives downtown and/or within a few biking minutes from Central Park, who can make their shower available to Tom? If you can help: nbg@BikeRoute.com
C – Booth app sent to Whole Earth Fest
Filled out the application for the May 12-14 Whole earth festival. And as Maria Tebbut of the local Bicycle Campaign nonprofit organization will readily concur, it required a fair amount of effort. The application asked a lot of questions and required a lot of forethought. Here is an example:
– We have been a nonprofit since 1993 and I personally have been beating the drum for this bike connection since by last bike ride across America in 1986. During that time, we used NBG Scouting Missions and our national Mayors’ Rides at http://bikeroute.com/NationalMayorsRideOverview/ to flesh out the route you can see on the main page at http://BikeRoute.com
Now that we have a route, and I have returned to America from Ireland where I was for five years raising my son, our focus has changed to getting our route known about – one of the goals of our being at this Festival
D – My presentation at UCD Whole Earth Festival, what I submitted
The application that I submitted to speak at the whole earth festival at Sierra Lewandowski’s bequest, also required work. Sierra, one of the organizers,had asked me to speak at the festival, and sent the form to me to fill out. Here is what I submitted:
How Connecting San Francisco to Washington, DC with a dedicated bicycle right of way will yield the National Bicycle Greenway
Martin Krieg who has been pushing for the coast to coast bicycle highway called the National Bicycle Greenway, since 1986 after his bike ride across America that reached 40 million people, will explain how the connection his group foresees can pay for itself as it makes use of existing roads and paths to form a dedicated alignment to the Nation’s Capitol. He will preface his discussion with a short overview of the historical precedent for the NBG and how NBG cyclists of the future will find themselves on a few of the same roads Thomas Stevens used when in 1884 he passed through Davis on his way to becoming the the first man to ride a bicycle across the USA and then around the world .
Krieg will explain how as San Francisco, Washington, DC, and the 18 cities that stand between them improve their cycling infrastructure to meet NBG standards, how this will become a route that will grow in popularity by leaps and bounds. And how it will be the businesses such as the eateries and lodging purveyors along the way who push to improve this right of way. Until in time it becomes more and more car free and a great places for families and all levels of cyclists to experience the joy of riding a bike!!
E – Who table UCD Whole Earth for NBG?
We still need people to occupy our booth at the Whole Earth Festival, which will be here in before we know it. Who will join Magdalena Gabriel who has already offered a few hours of her time on the weekend of May 12-14?
F – Eric Warp may design NBG booth
Here is what I told the Whole Earth Festival people what our booth would look like.
We will have a 4-foot tall, tri-fold storyboard that is 12 feet wide that people can read. It is festooned with enlarged copies of some of the proclamations we have received from cities large and small all over America that support our effort.Some of the many newspaper articles that have written about me and/or the National Bicycle Greenway. As well as a map of the USA and our route across it.
I will have the Eagle HiWheel bike there from 1891 that draws attention wherever it goes http://bikeroute.com/
On my ride on Saturday to Winters with Eric Warp, I asked him if he could get something together for our booth. He wants to see what I have in mind but thinks it might be a possibility!
And if does do the job here, the result will be mind blowing. As one of the top designers in the nation, he designs booths for science museums and expositions all over America. The exhibits he designs and has a whole factory then build, travel with great fanfare from city to city all over the nation. And are in much demand. Eric loves his work so much, he says he’ll never retire – wow!
G – Why I Dead lift for NBG and for Recumbents with video
In this video I’m showing you a lift I do at the gym that I workout in called Davis Swim and Fitness. I am offering this because it is credibility for what I am putting out for with the National Bicycle Greenway. If I can not only twice ride a bicycle across America after weighing 96 pounds and drooling on myself as a result of a two-month coma, clinical death and paralysis and can now lift this kind of weight, what’s to stop us from making a coast to coast bicycle highway real?
While I used to be able to do 465 before a knee ruptured my kidney in a football pile up a few years ago, this video shows the power of focused intention to achieve a result. As wild as it is, I am pulling more weight off the floor than what well over 99% of the people in most gyms anywhere can do.
It looked like I was lifting the 365 I am back up to because of how many times I had to do it to get the video camera angle right It is here that I have to thank the paralysis that afflicted me after my brain injury. In moving through that, I learned to go places in my mind that most people never travel. As such, what I can dead lift is not a function of how much I weigh or how big my muscles are, it is a function of a laser like focus fueled by the higher mind that’ suffuses all of us.
It also speaks to the many people who think I ride a recumbent bicycle because I have some kind of deficiency.
H – My commute to gym
Besides working out in possibly the most beautiful clean and well-equipped gym I have experienced over the last four decades, Davis Swim And Fitness, here is my commute to it
Public Facebook Gym Commute video
I – 50 & 100 year City Davis booths needed
2017 is the year that the city of Davis celebrates the 50 year anniversary of the first bike lane in America. And its first 100 years as an incorporated city. In the weeks ahead, I will be busy nosing around to see who I can talk to about getting the city to have a presence with a booth at our festival to showcase this important piece of history.
J – Spin the wheel to Win energy bars and drinks at Grocery Outlet Davis NBG Fest booth
The people at Grocery Outlet here in Davis are fun! Besides all the great prices on all the health foods I discover there, from the management all the way down, they like to laugh. Toward that end, their booth will invite the public to play with them. One of the features of it will be the giant wheel people have to spin to get the free energy bars and drinks they will have in ample supply!
K – Meet Tim Brummer of Lightning Cycle Dynamics at Davis NBG Fest
In last weeks newsletter I told you that Lightning Cycle Dynamics would have a booth at our festival!! I will tell you again because here in the road bike heaven of Davis California, their machines are the king of the road. There is nothing faster out there, and you will get a chance to meet the man, the force behind the fastest bicycle to ever have crossed America – five days, one hour.
Tim Brummer, a former aerospace engineer who as a respected bicycle athlete himself, is arguably the man most responsible for making the general public aware of the tremendous speed advantage the recumbent bicycle.
Here is the podcast he and I did together.
L – Meet Mayor Rob on Davis to Sacramento ride
On the following weekend on Sunday, June 4, we ride from the city of Davis to the Sacramento state capital per this page. A true right of passage for local cyclists here in Davis, the NBG ride that starts at Ken’s Bike in downtown Davis and travels to Blisworks Bike near the eastern edge of Davis before we get an energy recharge at Grocery Outlet will feature our regionally famous Mayor, Robb Davis.
A car-free Cyclist, Robb likes to do far more than just replace car trips with his two wheel forms of conveyance. A genuine cyclist to the core, every window of free time he gets he seems to be traveling long-distance on his pedal machines. And you will get a chance to ride with this warm, loving man as we pass through the same lands that Thomas Stevens traveled through in 1884 when he became the first man to ride a bicycle across America and then around the world!
M – Who Update NBG Proclamtion storyboard?
I just resurrected the storyboard that went in to storage when I went to Ireland for five years to raise my little boy. A handsome piece, we used it to display important National Bicycle Greenway documents which include photos from our annual Mayors’ Rides, press about our organization that I have been able to get by using my story as well as select Proclamations in support of the NBG that we have been able to collect from big city mayors all on our route from San Francisco to Washington DC.
The storyboard is three 4′ x 4′ attached panels that fold down to one. Covered in green felt, the edges are protected by lightweight aluminum trim
Is there anyone out there who I can give this to along with current pictures, newspaper articles and Proclamations that would be able to take it on as a project to get it current? I would like to be able to have this for her booth at The whole earth festival and at our Davis NBG Fest. Can anyone help?
N – Biking dentist, Sycamore Lane Dental, sponsors Davis NBG Fest – gets flag on Davis Bike Attractions map
My bicycle dentist friend, Vahid Farahyar, replaced a veneer that had gotten compromised on one of my front teeth. And he did so on a few hours notice. As a thank you and a favor to him, I placed him on our Davis Bicycle attractions map. I want locals and cyclists from out of town with dental emergencies to know about Vahid. He and his staff are all warm open and loving people!
If you have a business that you would like to get on our Davis attractions map, you can contact me personally at nbg@BikeRoute.com
O – Ride to Winters with Eric Warp and inviting Winters to be at festival
Eric Warp and I did our weekly ride to the small town of Winters on Saturday. A weekend bicycle destination for cyclists coming from Sacramento, Vacaville and Davis and beyond, there are road bikes to be seen everywhere. Upon our arrival, we went to Lorenzo’s Market for our kombucha and dark chocolate fix. We returned for five blocks to the center of town to the the El Pueblo Meat Market, where we bought six delicious vegetable filled tacos for five dollars. As a side note, our taco purveyor is located next to Velocity Cycle, a bike shop that can service the needs of of all levels of cyclists from family, beginner to pro.
A few blocks later and we were back at the park across from popular Steady Eddys (I don’t drink coffee) where we treated ourselves to a picnic as we watched the Winters world quietly pass by. I am painting this picture for you because I would like to see some of these businesses represented at our Davis NBG Fest. And they deserve to be at a Davis Bike festival because they are an example of what makes the road biking in this town so rewarding.
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