Slowed by Rain – Davis NBG Fest still gets Tim Brummer’s Speed and……

A – Rain slows it all down
B – Tim Brummer of Lightning Cycle Dynamics to speak at festival about five day one hour record
C – Quadracycle comes on as Davis NBG Fest sponsor  

D – NBG speech at Whole Earth Festival accepted – my talk is Friday May 12 at 3PM
E – Table at 4/20 Davis Double Century OK’d
F – Foam core table sign c/o Eric Warp.
G – Eric Warp 4-up Davis NBG Fest posters For You to Pass Out!
H – Treasure Island  to Oakland replaces Berkeley to Oakland 5/25.
I – Sat July 1  UC Davis Eleni may join Yoriko Kishimoto and other notables on SF to PA ride.
J – Davis to Sacramento ride and letter to Governor Brown
K- May 9 Bike to Work Day in Davis
L – Whole Earth Tablers needed to Join Magda and Eleni
M – In Davis, most roads pass through the Arboretum
N  – A 4-wheel bike that rides like a go-cart

A – The always needed rain here in Davis does not allow me to make much news for our Davis NBG Fest. By that I mean, fewer people are out and about that I can interface with about making magic happen for our event.  There are far fewer cyclists I can exchange with, the numbers of shoppers in the stores lessen, outdoor events seem to go away and the occasional busker is no where to be found. As a result, I have to rely on the phone and the internet to build any kind of go power for May 27th.

Screen Shot 2017-04-03 at 11.48.54 AMB – Unable to mine for magic locally, I went to Lompoc, CA on the phone and  was able to get Tim Brummer of Lightning Cycle Dynamics to commit to giving a presentation from the main stage about his bike’s 5 day, 1 hour crossing of America in 1989. You will get a chance to hear all about the record his team, which included the also legendary Pete Penseyres (held the RAAM record on an upright of 8 days, 9 hours for two decades) set. A record that remains unchallenged to this day!!

Besides the bike his team used that will also be on the stage, his company will also be at our Festival with a booth!!
HERE is the podcast Tim and I did where, among a lot of other things, we talk about this exciting 1989 race.

Screen Shot 2017-04-08 at 9.45.36 AMC – Also traveled to Tuscola, Illinois to talk to the Quadracycle people. The builders of a wide selection of 4-wheel bikes, theirs is a Mennonite community where electricity is rarely used. Much of their machinery, for example, is powered by gas fueled compressors. And as Eli Mast, the main proprietor, explained to me, their formal schooling stops after 8th grade when they all then become trained in the various trades. 
From a very young age then, Mennonites learn to become master craftsmen. And these 4-wheel bikes bear the mark of high quality that is the result!  And as they endeavor to get their work known about, in renewing their listing at ours, the biggest resource  site on line for recumbent bikes, they also came on a sponsors of our Davis NBG Fest!
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D – The application that I submitted to speak at the Whole Earth Festival (May 12-14) at Sierra Lewandowski’s bequest,was accepted. Here is their response:

Hi Martin,

3:00 on Friday, May 12, would be awesome! You are welcome to talk for as long as you’d like. We will put you down for an hour based on your application!

The booths will be notified shortly, but that is coming from a different department of WEF.

Can’t wait to have you!

In case you missed it, here is what I submitted:

How Connecting San Francisco to Washington, DC with a dedicated bicycle right of way will yield the National Bicycle Greenway

Martin Krieg who has been pushing for the coast to coast bicycle highway called the National Bicycle Greenway, since 1986 after his bike ride across America that reached 40 million people, will explain how the connection his group foresees can  pay for itself as it makes use of existing roads and paths to form a dedicated alignment to the Nation’s Capitol. He will preface his discussion with a short overview of the historical precedent  for the NBG and how NBG cyclists of the future will find themselves on a few of the same roads Thomas Stevens used when in 1884 he passed through Davis on his way to becoming the  the first man to ride a bicycle across the USA and then around the world .

Krieg will explain how as  San Francisco, Washington, DC, and the 18 cities that stand between them  improve their cycling infrastructure to meet NBG standards, how this will become a route that will grow in popularity by leaps and bounds. And how it will be the businesses such as the eateries and lodging purveyors along the way  who push to improve this right of way. Until in time it becomes more and more car free and a great places for families and all levels of cyclists to experience the joy of riding a bike!!

E – Screen Shot 2017-04-08 at 10.45.37 AMThe Davis Bike Club accepted our application for  a table at legendary Davis Double Century on Saturday May 20!
F – Because in his work designing exhibits for science fairs and public expositions all over America, Eric Warp’s crew put his brilliant designs on fam core matting, I asked him if maybe he could put this image on a 6-foot long, 30-inch tall piece of foam core so we can place it in our Festival booth and run it in front of our table when we table at other events. Being a bike guy to the core, I suspect he might be able to pull the rabbit out the hat that we need here –
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May 27 Second Davis NBG Fest handout beauty!! With huge THX to Eric Warp, these flyers reflect the quality of his work. I underscore this because I didn’t want to bother him and tried making this 4-up version the old school, photo reduction, cut and paste way. The result was a bad cigar.

Now I can put our best foot forward as we continue to work to make our event real. Please make copies yourself and do help us spread the word. In getting the best from Mayor Robb Davis, Roots Man Project, Keni, Timothy R. Brummer, Charles Lang, our booth presenters, Rahman Law PC, Ken’s Bike-Ski-Board, Grocery Outlet, Lightning Cycle Dynamics and others who we are very close to being able to announce, it is the very least we can do.

THX 4 all of U!!

G – Here is a another post I made about some of the class and polish Eric Warp is bring to or event  –

May 27 Second Davis NBG Fest handout beauty!! With huge THX to Eric Warp, these flyers reflect the quality of his work. I underscore this because I didn’t want to bother him and tried making this 4-up version the old school, photo reduction, cut and paste way. The result was a bad cigar.

Now I can put our best foot forward as we continue to work to make our event real. Please make copies yourself and do help us spread the word. In getting the best from Mayor Robb Davis, Roots Man Project, Keni, Timothy R. Brummer, Charles Lang, our booth presenters, Rahman Law PC, Ken’s Bike-Ski-Board, Grocery Outlet, Lightning Cycle Dynamics and others who we are very close to being able to announce, it is the very least we can do.

THX 4 all of U!!

NBG Four Up

 Screen Shot 2017-04-08 at 11.37.01 AMH – In news about our   15th annual Nation Mayors’ Ride that this event launches,  instead of  our annual ride from Berkeley to Oakland City Hall, beginning this year, on Thursday, May 25, we will ride from Emeryville to Treasure Island to Oakland City Hall and this year’s NBG Day proclamation from Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. If you’ve never ridden the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge bike path, this will be your chance to experience the true exhilaration of being on a magnificent span high above an important body of water, with panoramic views of the cities and hills that encircle it.

As we then year in, year out, ride from the trails to Treasure Island that begin in Emeryville, before we then double back to Oakland City Hall, we will be calling attention to the fact that our Main Street USA – the National Bicycle Greenway cannot begin in San Francisco until this situation is remedied. An interim fix would be a ferry service from San Francisco to Treasure Island. However, our action will send a loud message to elected officials that the San Francisco side of the bridge, before it tunnels trough Yerba Buena (that attaches to Treasure Island) needs to be made bike accessible too!


I – In lieu of San Francisco, Palo Alto could very well be viewed as the West Coast start of the National Bicycle Greenway . This is so because in order to  get across the San Francisco Bay by bicycle one must use the Dumbarton Bridge which leaves Palo Alto’s next –door neighbor, East Palo Alto. It was for example what I did when I rode our route to Salt Lake City on the Eagle HiWheel.

In fact we will be well illustrating this is the case  on July 1 when we change the direction of our annual ride  between San Francisco and Palo Alto. This year instead of starting in Palo Alto and arriving to San Francisco’s hills and afternoon traffic and frequent fog,  we (former PA Mayor, Yoriko Kishimoto. her husband Lee Collins, soon to be graduated UCD dynamo, Eleni Liberty Jacobson, probably former Apple employee #1, Daniel Kottke, bike lighting genius, Barry Burr, and others) will leave  the Golden Gate  City in the morning and arrive to the best weather in the world, in Palo Alto, to a n NBG Day proclamation reception at  City Hall. 

HERE is an example of what our rides between these two cities looks like

HERE is more of why Palo Alto is such an important NBG City 

J –  

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Governor Brown,

For three years, starting in 2002, you honored our nonprofit National Bicycle Greenway, our mission to run a bikeway from San Francisco/Oakland to Washington, DC, with Proclamtions. And within those citations, you honored me personally as a native son of Oakland who biked your city’s mountain roads to rehabilitate well enough to write the critically acclaimed autobiography,  “Awake Again, all the way back from head injury“.

Later, after five years in Ireland, where I met and discussed an Irish  NBG  with Enda Kenny, the Taoiseach (acting president) of that country  and also did a Mayors’ Ride podcast with Andrew Montague, the outgoing Lord Mayor of Dublin, I returned to America  to be here in Davis,  19 months ago.

I came here to establish  Davis, the bike capital of America, as the home of the National Bicycle Greenway hoping to capitalize on its close proximity to the state capital of California, Sacramento. And yet, the bike connection between these two cities needs to be much improved  in order for the Davis effect to grow in size and scope. And a quality connection between these two cities has been lacking this since 1884 when Thomas Stevens, who became the first man to ride a bicycle around the world road, was forced to walk his HiWheel bike from Davisville to Sacramento. As such then, instead of the noise-filled overhang along I80 that bridges this gap for cyclists, you can give authority to some of the many ways this stretch can be improved  by just receiving our ride from Davis on Sunday, June 4. 

Per this website, we would like you to  receive the Mayor of Davis  Robb Davis as well as other  city officials and 100 or more of us  when we arrive at  the State Capitol on June 4. 

You’re making yourself available in this way will add a lot of firepower to a lot of the ways we feel this history laden stretch can be improved. This as it puts The California state capital at the forefront of an exciting national movement to interconnect America with bikeable roads and paths.

K- Hi All,

The City of Davis is seeking volunteers to help out at the Bike to Work Day Lunch on May 9th.  The Bike to Work Day Lunch is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. along 3rd Street from A Street to University Avenue.  Event setup begins at 10 a.m.  I will also need help before the event with no parking signs on Monday morning and moving tables.  Since I broke my ankle, I will not be able to load and unload tables without assistance.

The most important volunteers are the traffic control volunteers.  These spots must be filled for this event to happen.  No experience is needed for traffic control.  I will provide training to all traffic control volunteers on the day of the event.

Sign- up to volunteer:<>

All volunteers will need to complete the City of Davis volunteer assignment form.  I will have the forms to fill out at the event.  All volunteers will receive free lunch and a bike month t-shirt.  I am promising lots of fun and good music!

If you have any questions about volunteering do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you in advance for helping!  And please forward this request on to anyone who you think would be interested in helping.

Jennifer Donofrio
City of Davis
Bike and Pedestrian Coordinator


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L -We still need people to occupy our booth at the Whole Earth Festival, which will be here in before we know it. Who will join Magdalena Gabriel and Eleni Liberty Jacobson, both of whom have already offered a few hours of their time on the weekend of May 12-14?


M – On my way to the Stephenson Bridge and Dixon via Pitt School Road, on the Lightnng P-38, I skirted the bottom of UC Davis where the UC Davis Arboretums is located. Always educating the public about its 100 acres of beautiful gardens, during the spring and fall, there always seem to be events taking place here at its eastern end. Today there were instructional booths on how to get the most out of hiking these lands and others.


N – Saw David Wesley today with his amazing 4-wheel bike. A Seattle based Boeing Aircraft engineer, he has designed  a 4-wheel bike that rides like a trike, has the same nose to tail length as my Lightning P-38, a short wheel base recumbent, and rides like  little go cart. He’s not in production yet, but thinks that will happen with the Quadracycle, LLC people, by the time he returns to Davis next Fall. At which point he wants to exhibit at our 2018 Davis NBGFest.