A – How NBG Fest Build NBG
B – Picnic Day, Sat 4/22
The Eagle will be there, plus Bob Bowen, Davis Public Relations Manager, and his son Spencer
C – Keni’s Performance
D – UCD Whole Earth Festival
E – UCD SenIor, Julia Willmers, comes on as Davis NBG Fest photographer.
F – Eagle HiWheel tire week
G – Merry-go-round news
H – Table at Davis Double Century
I – San Francisco to Palo Alto Ride
J = Treasure Isl to Oakland riders needed 5/25
K – Winters option added to Napa to Davis – Who wants to ride Tom Ayres in to Fest on 5/27?
L – American River Ride moves to Fall
M – Rhaman Law video They ride – no pay unless win
Scott Campbell Star of NBG National Mayors’ Ride
A – While our nonprofit Articles of Incorporation maintain that we partake in activities related to bicycling to further our cause, here is exactly why we are doing Davis NBG Fest!
How does the NBG Fest Get a Greenway Built?
With the Davis NBG Fest as a template to the crowd funding business plan we will be putting out to bid next fall, we will be seeking the financial resources needed to replicate the Davis festival success we envision in all 20 of the NBG Anchor cities we are using to connect San Francisco to Washington DC.
By localizing our national route with festivals in this way we will use our bike parties as as an inducement for businesses along our right of way to also buy listings on our attractions maps <Davis example> as well as positions on our virtual tours <Reno example>
B – Next Saturday, April 22, is the widely celebrated 103rd running of the UC Davis Picnic Day event when tens of thousands of people descended upon the small city of Davis. And as my Facebook friends have seen, I have been busy in between all the other festival work I have been doing, getting a tire reinstalled on my Eagle so I can join Davis Public Relations Manager, Bob Bowen, who you see pictured waving here, and others, in the HiWheel contingent that is a part of the parade.
C – Later in the afternoon, at 2:30, Keni plays at the The ARC- (Activities and Recreation Center), One Shields Avenue,, 232 Shields Ave.
D – Per application that I submitted to speak at the Whole Earth
Festival (May 12-14) at Sierra Lewandowski’s bequest, min case you missed it, here is what I submitted:
How Connecting San Francisco to Washington, DC with a dedicated bicycle right of way will yield the National Bicycle Greenway
Martin Krieg who has been pushing for the coast to coast bicycle highway called the National Bicycle Greenway, since 1986 after his bike ride across America that reached 40 million people, will explain how the connection his group foresees can pay for itself as it makes use of existing roads and paths to form a dedicated alignment to the Nation’s Capitol. He will preface his discussion with a short overview of the historical precedent for the NBG and how NBG cyclists of the future will find themselves on a few of the same roads Thomas Stevens used when in 1884 he passed through Davis on his way to becoming the the first man to ride a bicycle across the USA and then around the world .
Krieg will explain how as San Francisco, Washington, DC, and the 18 cities that stand between them improve their cycling infrastructure to meet NBG standards, how this will become a route that will grow in popularity by leaps and bounds. And how it will be the businesses such as the eateries and lodging purveyors along the way who push to improve this right of way. Until in time it becomes more and more car free and a great places for families and all levels of cyclists to experience the joy of riding a bike!!
E – At Keni’s Armadillo Music event on Saturday night, I met Julia Willmers who was there documenting document the event with her beautiful Nikon D-3300 camera. She had a tripod0, different lenses and also carried herself like a true professional., so I asked her if she would be interested in photographing our event.
She did a quick check of her calendar and said she is not booked and would be happy to! Soon we are going to be seeing a beautiful photo essay of our event care of Julie.

Another 40 minutes mounting The Eagle Bicycle tire today. And DONE! In the pictures below, toe straps are crucial to act as a third hand to keep things tight. As well, my Wiedeman Tool is getting old, so I have to use the clamp and crescent wrench that you see here to keep the tool from spreading apart where I cinch down the locking bolts.
G – Sent a request out to the human powered merry-go-round people that you saw Magdalena Gabriel operating here at Central Park a little over a month ago. She was doing so as a fundraiser for her children’s elementary school. While there is a sign there that states explicitly that any funds generated by the carousel were intended for use by Davis public schools, I thought there might be a chance they might be interested in joint venturing some of that with our nonprofit National Bicycle Greenway if we supplied the manpower.
And yet since it looks like that is not possible, I asked if we could still have the carousel in operation for our festival. In fact, I’m excited that we can raise money for Davis public schools. I told them if they can supply volunteers, we would be excited to be able to promote their beautiful children’s ride as a part of our day at the park! .
I will be sure to let you know what happens!

J – In news about our 15th annual Nation Mayors’ Ride that our Second Davis NBG Fest event launches, instead of our annual ride from Berkeley to Oakland City Hall, beginning this year, on Thursday, May 25, we will ride from West Oakland/Emeryville to Treasure Island to Oakland City Hall and this year’s NBG Day proclamation from Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. If you’ve never ridden the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge bike path, this will be your chance to experience the true exhilaration of being on a magnificent span high above an important body of water, with panoramic views of the cities and hills that encircle it.As we then year in, year out, ride from the trails to Treasure Island that begin in Emeryville, before we then double back to Oakland City Hall, we will be calling attention to the fact that our Main Street USA – the National Bicycle Greenway cannot begin in San Francisco until this situation is remedied. An interim fix would be a ferry service from San Francisco to Treasure Island. However, our action will send a loud message to elected officials that the San Francisco side of the bridge, before it tunnels trough Yerba Buena (that attaches to Treasure Island) needs to be made bike accessible too!
Hopefully, we will see a few HiWheel bikes on the ride. In fact this is the home turf of Greg Barron‘s Rideable Bicycle Replicas, RBR, the makers of many different levels of HiWheel/ordinary/pennyfarthing bicycles. We might even see Mark Martinez this year on his gorgeous, Superior, a top level RBB bike. John Erickson might even come down from the Sacramento area with his beautiful Superior!
All this as we enjoy the company of Tom Ayres who after he leaves the brief Oakland ceremony, will travel to Napa, to receive their NBG Day. proclamation from Mayor Jill Techel, on Friday the 26th.
50 miles later on Saturday the 27th he will arrive at our second Davis NBG Fest to a warm reception from Davis Mayor Robb Davis! His final leg could include a twelve mile group ride from Winters and maybe Steady Eddys and/or the bike shop and/or Lorenzos Market, etc. We’ll have to explore all of the possibilities here accordingly!
Send an email to NBG@BikeRoute.com if you want to ride with Dr. Tom Ayres, pictured here next to me on The Eagle Bicycle, on any of these three rides.
M – What’s great news for cyclists in the SF Bay Area and now Central CA, is that not only do these attorneys ride, they also represent their fellow cycling brethren on a contingency basis. As in, you only pay if you win!You will get a chance to meet Rahman Law PC, principal, Shaana Rahman, in person, when they run a booth at our 6 weeks away Second Davis NBG Fest!!

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